Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

Softskill minggu 4


Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Past menjadi Past Perfect
He told me, “I went to Bandung yesterday”.
He told me that he had gone to Bandung yesterday.
Rumus : V2 –> Past perfect. Simple Past tense menjadi Past Perfect tense.
Rasyid asks me: “did you come to school yesterday?”
Rasyid asked me if I had come to school the day before.
Simple past berubah menjadi past perfect
Anton said,” I studied English last night”
Anton said that He had studied English the previous  night
Simple past tense menjadi past perfect tense
He said “I went to school yesterday”.

He said that he had gone to school the day before.



Business is the human activity related to material things. It is necessary for civilization. It is found in all societies, even the simplest ones. Business may include the production of goods: making airplanes, building buildings, and constructing paper boxes are example of production. It can also provide the financing for these activites. Lending money, trading stocks and bonds, and selling insurance policies relate to the securing of capital for business activities. other forms of business include merchandising, which is the selling of products, and providing various services, such as accounting, distributing, and repair. Business, then, is the activity of producing and distributing goods and services.


Bisnis adalah aktivitas manusia yang berkaitan dengan materi. Hal ini diperlukan untuk peradaban. Hal ini ditemukan di semua masyarakat, bahkan yang paling sederhana sekalipun. Bisnis bisa termasuk produksi barang: membuat pesawat terbang, membangun gedung, dan membangun kotak kertas adalah contoh produksinya. Ini juga bisa memberikan pembiayaan untuk kegiatan ini. Meminjam uang, menjual saham dan obligasi, dan menjual polis asuransi terkait dengan pengamanan modal untuk kegiatan usaha. Bentuk usaha lainnya meliputi merchandising, yaitu penjualan produk, dan penyediaan berbagai layanan, seperti akuntansi, pendistribusian, dan perbaikan. Jadi, Bisnis adalah kegiatan memproduksi dan mendistribusikan barang dan jasa.

Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

softskill minggu 3 (Tulisan : Describe something in spesific)

My Teddy Bear

My favorite thing is a teddy bear. The name is Bear. My father gave it after going to Ciater with my mother.

Bear is green and has a ribbon around its neck. Bear has a fine coat. About 100 centimeters in height. Bear has a fat body like me. I keep my Bear on the bed.

This doll is a memento from my father. Thanks a lot dad, i really like your doll gift.

softskill minggu 3 (Tugas)

Pengertian Question Tag

Question tag adalah pertanyaan pendek yang ditambahkan di akhir pernyataan (declarative sentence) untuk menanyakan informasi atau meminta persetujuan.
Seperti idiom (ungkapan bahasa Inggris), question tag merupakan bagian yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari seorang native speaker. Walaupun grammar, pronounciation, dan intonation-nya baik, seseorang dapat mudah dikenali bukan sebagai native speaker jika tidak menggunakan question tag.

Rumus Question tag

linking verb “be”/auxiliary verb +/- not + pronoun


·     linking verb “be” yaitu: is, am, are, was, were, sedangkan auxiliary verb berupa primary auxiliary verb (be, do, have) atau modal auxiliary verb (will, would, may, may, might, can, could, shall, should) yang cocok dengan verb pada bagian pernyataan.
·         Pronoun disesuaikan dengan subject pada bagian pernyataan.

Contoh Question Tag:

·         You love math, don’t you? (Kamu suka matematika kan?)
·         You don’t love math, do you? (Kamu tidak suka matematika kan?)

Pembentukan Question Tag

Berdasarkan general rule (aturan umum) positive question tag dapat mengikuti negative sentence (kalimat negatif). Begitu pula sebaliknya,  negative question tag dapat mengikuti positive sentence (kalimat positif).
Question tag terdiri dari main verb (jika berupa linking verb “be”), dummy auxiliary verb “do/does/did” (jika main verb bukan berupa linking verb) atau auxiliary verb yang pertama (jika terdiri dari main verb dan satu atau lebih auxiliary) +/- not + subjek (pronounyang disesuaikan dengan kalimat utama.

negative sentence, positive question tag
positive sentence, negative question tag
Ahmad didn’t come late, did he?
(Ahmad tidak datang terlambat kan?)
Ahmad came late, didn’t he?
(Ahmad datang terlambat kan?)
The man isn’t stingy, is he?
(Pria tsb tidak pelit kan?)
The man is stingy, isn’t he?
(Pria tsb pelit kan?)
You haven’t finished your homework, have you?
(Kamu belum menyelesaikan PR-mu kan?)
You have finished your homework, haven’t you?
(Kamu telah menyelesaikan PR-mu kan?)
They won’t attend the seminar, will they?
(Mereka tidak akan menghadiri seminar kan?)
They will attend the seminar, won’t they?
(Mereka akan menghadiri seminar kan?)

Intonasi pada Question Tag

Tujuan dari penggunaan question tag adalah untuk menanyakan informasi atau meminta persetujuan. Ketika menggunakannya untuk menanyakan informasi, posisi speaker tidak tahu apakah informasi tersebut benar atau salah. Pada kondisi tersebut, question tag diberi penekanan dengan intonasi naik (rising intonation).
Adapun ketika question tag digunakan untuk meminta persetujuan, speaker yakin bahwa informasi yang diketahui benar, namun mengharapkan jawaban yang mendukung keyakinannya. Pada situasi itu question tag dilafalkan tanpa penekanan dengan intonasi turun (falling intonation).

Contoh Kalimat Question Tag:

You didn’t drink alcohol, did you? (Kamu tidak minum alkohol kan?)
·     Jika speaker tidak tahu apakah lawan bicaranya minum alkohol dan dia ingin tahu jawabannya, question tag diberi penekanan dengan intonasi naik.
·    Jika speaker hanya ingin tahu bahwa lawan bicaranya tidak minum alkohol dan hanya mengharapkan penegasan, question tag diucapkan tanpa penekanan dengan intonasi turun.

Lebih Banyak Contoh Kalimat Question Tag

Beberapa dari contoh kalimat question tag berikut mungkin tidak terlalu mengikuti general rule sehingga mungkin agak membingungkan.

Contoh Kalimat Question Tag
I’m right, aren’t I?
spoken English
I’m right, am I not?
formal English
Everybody likes him, don’t they?
digunakan they sebagai gender neuter pronoun.
Nothing is impossible, is it?
Nothing = no thing, sehingga kalimat menjadi negatif, maka question tag-nya positif.
Nobody came late, did they?
Nobody = no body, sehingga kalimat menjadi negatif,
maka question tag-nya positif. Digunakan they
sebagai gender neuter pronoun.
You will never regret it, will you?
Never = not ever, sehingga kalimat menjadi negatif. Oleh karena itu question tag-nya positif.
Everything is nice, isn’t it?
Let’s go now, shall we?
Don’t speak, will you?
This/that is his bag, isn’t it?
These/those are your tools, aren’t they?
There is an old house, isn’t there?

Jumat, 28 April 2017

Softskill 2 bahasa inggris 1ea29


-Colorful paper in squares 15 x 15 cm (6 x 6 in). You'll need five of each color.

-Tissue paper.
-Glue stick.
-Craft glue.
-Hot glue gun.
-Sticky tape or Washi tape.
-Wooden skewers.
How To Make:
1. Create the Paper Daisies
Step 1
First, place one square piece of paper 15cm x 15cm (6 x 6 in) on a flat surface with the colored side facing down. Turn the sheet so it looks like a diamond shape and bring the lower corner up to the top corner and fold the paper carefully. Crease well. Use a bone folder or the back of a metal spoon for perfectly sharp folds.
Now take the right corner and bring it up to the top point, making a triangle. Fold and crease. Repeat with the left corner. Now you should have a smaller diamond shape, as pictured below.
Open up the flaps so you are back to the previous triangle.
Fold the right side up so that the lower edge aligns with the creased line, as pictured below. Fold well.
Repeat the same folding and creasing process on the left side. You should have made the shape as pictured below.
Now, take the two small triangles that extend over the edges and fold them back, as pictured below. Nice work! You've now created all the fold lines which will guide you through the next steps.
Step 2
Open up the paper to the initial triangle.
This time, fold the two small triangles inwards.
Fold the lower sides of the triangle upwards.
Fold the triangles over and upwards again. Now you're ready to glue.
Step 3
Using a glue stick, add glue to the flaps.
Bring together the flaps and create a cone shape. Hold them together with your hands or with a clip until they are firmly glued. You've now created the first petal of your daisy.
Step 4
Repeat the above process four times, to create a total of five petals.
Once the petals are ready, use a hot glue gun to secure them, one by one, to the wooden skewer. All five petals should fit neatly around the skewer, which serves as the stem of the flower.
You've now made a stylized paper daisy. Nice work!
2. Make the Paper Dahlias
Step 1
For this flower you will need a square piece of paper 15cm x 15cm (6 x 6 in) with a different design or color on both sides. If you only have paper with color on one side, just glue two of them together so you get a different color on each side. Having two different colors will create a lovely effect on the finished dahlia. We used pink and green in this tutorial.
Step 2
Place your paper on a flat surface with the green side facing upwards, as pictured below.
Bring the bottom left corner up to the top right-corner, and fold the paper diagonally. You should have a triangle, as pictured below.
Unfold the paper and fold it again on the other diagonal, so that the lower right corner meets the upper left corner. Crease well.
Step 3
Open up the paper and turn it over. Now the pink side is facing upwards.
Bring the bottom edge up to meet the top edge, and fold in half horizontally. Crease well.
Open up the paper again and take the left edge over to meet the right edge, and fold in half vertically, as pictured below. Crease well.
Step 4
Unfold the paper and you will see all the scored lines, which will act as guides for the next steps. The folds form a cross and an 'X' shape. Note that the 'X' folds go in the opposite direction to the cross lines.

Keeping the 'X' scored lines up, bring the cross lines down so that they meet in the center, as demonstrated below.
Now, fold all the sections over to one side, as demonstrated below.
At this point, all four 'legs' of your 'X' should be gathered together on one side.
Step 5
Open up the structure and add craft glue to the central line where all the folds meet.
Push all the edges down towards the glue and hold them in place until secure.
Now crease the central edge, as demonstrated below.
To give the flower a better shape, use your fingers to gently open up all the petals.
Step 6
Repeat the same process and create three or four more flower parts.
Position all flower parts around the wooden skewer and glue them together, with either craft glue or a hot glue gun.
Make sure the upper part of the flower is well aligned by placing it on the flat surface. Now hold all the parts together until they are firmly glued.
Now your paper dahlia is ready!
3. Create the Tissue Paper Peonies
Step 1
Take the tissue paper pack and cut a piece around 10cm (4in) long.
Unfold the 10cm strip. Start folding or pleating the paper accordian-style, 1cm (0.4in) wide. Each time you fold, crease well. If you want to make a lot of peonies, just fold the whole length of the strip.
If you want to make just one peony, you will need around six to eight pleats. Cut the length you need for the first peony. You'll be using all the layers in the pack so that you have a nice voluminous effect.
Step 2
Holding the pleated paper together, cut the top of the strip in an upside-down 'U' to create a curved petal shape, as pictured below.
Step 3
Place the wooden skewer in the center of the pleated paper and glue to hold. Now, wrap the tissue paper around the wooden skewer using Washi tape or sticky tape, as pictured below.
Once your paper flower is firmly wrapped around the stem, open up the folds to the left and right.
Gently separate all the tissue layers to give your peony volume and a soft, fluffy shape.
Ready! A gorgeous tissue paper peony with an organic look.
4. Create Tissue Paper Lisianthus
Step 1
Take the tissue paper and cut through all the layers in the pack in a strip of 10cm (4in) height and 20cm (8in) length.
Start rolling the strip of tissue paper. This time all your folds are in the same direction. The folds should be about 1.5cm (0.6in) wide. Don't forget to crease on every fold.
Step 2
Now, cut a V shape out of the top of the folded strip, as pictured below.
Unravel the strip and you will see a zig-zag pattern created in the petals of the lisanthus.
Step 3
Now, take the wooden skewer and glue it at the lower left corner of your strip. Start rolling the strip around the stick. Create some folds along the bottom of the strip as you roll, as pictured below. These folds serve to create space so that the flower can open when rolled. You can also roll downwards along the stem, so that the center remains a bit higher.
Once you've rolled around the stem, keep the flower in place by tightly wrapping it with some sticky or Washi tape.
Now just gently separate each petal of tissue paper by gently pulling them away from each other. Arrange and fluff up the petals to give your lisianthus more volume.
Arrange Into a Pretty Bouquet
Well done! Your bouquet of pretty paper flowers is complete.

Past Continuous Tense atau Past Progressive Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan dua kejadian yang terjadi pada saat yang bersamaan, tetapi satu kejadian terjadi lebih awal dan masih sedang berlangsung ketika kejadian kedua terjadi.

Pada penggunaan Past Continuous Tense kata kerja yang digunakan harus diakhiri dengan -ing / (Verb + ing). Bentuk waktu Past Continuous Tense menggunakan jenis "TO BE 2" (was/ were).

Was untuk subject: I, she, he, it.
Were untuk subject: you, they, we.

Rumus:  (+) S + was/were + Ving+O
    (-) S + was/were + NOT + Ving+O
                (?) Was/Were + S + Ving+O

Rumus: (+) S + Was/ Were + Being + V3
               (-) S + Was/ Were + NOT + Being + V3
               (?) Was/Were + S + Being + V3
Contoh kalimat:
(+) He was reading the newspaper (Dia sedang membaca koran. past)
(-)  He was not reading the newspaper. (Dia tidak sedang membaca koran. past)
(?)  Was he reading the newspaper? (Apakah dia sedang membaca koran? past)

(+) She was watching TV. (Dia sedang menonton TV. past)
(-)  She was not watching the TV. (Dia tidak sedang menonton TV. past)
(?)  Was she watching TV? (Apakah dia sedang menonton TV? past)

(+) They were studying english. (Mereka sedang belajar bahasa Inggris. past)
(-)  They are not studying English. (Mereka tidak sedang belajar bahasa Inggris. past)
(?)  Was they studying English? (Apakah mereka sedang belajar bahasa Inggris? past)

Contoh kalimat:
(+) The newspaper was being reading by him. (Koran sedang dibaca oleh dia. Past)
(-)  The newspaper was not being reading by him. (Koran sedang tidak dibaca oleh dia. Past)
(?)  Was the newspaper being reading by him? (Apakah koran sedang dibaca oleh dia? Past)

(+) The TV was being watched by her. (TV sedang ditonton oleh dia. Past)
(-) TV was not being watched by her. (TV sedang tidak ditonton oleh dia. Past)
(?)  Was the TV being watched by her? (Apakah TV sedang ditonton oleh dia? Past)

(+) English was being studied by them. (Bahasa Inggris sedang dipelajari oleh mereka. Past)
(-)  English was not being studied by them. (Bahasa Inggris sedang tidak dipelajari oleh mereka. Past)
(?)  Was English being studied by them? (Apakah Bahasa Inggris sedang dipelajari oleh mereka? Past)