Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

Softskill minggu 4


Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Past menjadi Past Perfect
He told me, “I went to Bandung yesterday”.
He told me that he had gone to Bandung yesterday.
Rumus : V2 –> Past perfect. Simple Past tense menjadi Past Perfect tense.
Rasyid asks me: “did you come to school yesterday?”
Rasyid asked me if I had come to school the day before.
Simple past berubah menjadi past perfect
Anton said,” I studied English last night”
Anton said that He had studied English the previous  night
Simple past tense menjadi past perfect tense
He said “I went to school yesterday”.

He said that he had gone to school the day before.



Business is the human activity related to material things. It is necessary for civilization. It is found in all societies, even the simplest ones. Business may include the production of goods: making airplanes, building buildings, and constructing paper boxes are example of production. It can also provide the financing for these activites. Lending money, trading stocks and bonds, and selling insurance policies relate to the securing of capital for business activities. other forms of business include merchandising, which is the selling of products, and providing various services, such as accounting, distributing, and repair. Business, then, is the activity of producing and distributing goods and services.


Bisnis adalah aktivitas manusia yang berkaitan dengan materi. Hal ini diperlukan untuk peradaban. Hal ini ditemukan di semua masyarakat, bahkan yang paling sederhana sekalipun. Bisnis bisa termasuk produksi barang: membuat pesawat terbang, membangun gedung, dan membangun kotak kertas adalah contoh produksinya. Ini juga bisa memberikan pembiayaan untuk kegiatan ini. Meminjam uang, menjual saham dan obligasi, dan menjual polis asuransi terkait dengan pengamanan modal untuk kegiatan usaha. Bentuk usaha lainnya meliputi merchandising, yaitu penjualan produk, dan penyediaan berbagai layanan, seperti akuntansi, pendistribusian, dan perbaikan. Jadi, Bisnis adalah kegiatan memproduksi dan mendistribusikan barang dan jasa.

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